current parliamentary turmoil is reflected in the fact that 16 of its
MPs have now either defected or have been suspended since the last
General Election. And they may just be the tip of the iceberg.
these, how can numbers of former Labour MPs (such as the seven above) desert the very
Constituency Labour Parties who adopted and nurtured them as
successful parliamentary candidates for periods of up to 26 years
Constituency Labour Party activists should have been rubbing shoulders with these MPs for ages. Receiving regular reports back from them about their parliamentary and constituency activities, supplying organisers and activists for their parliamentary campaigns and being an avenue for passing on local problems which needed to be pursued via parliamentary avenues.
With such friends, associates and contacts these rebellious MPs could have discussed their concerns about the operations of the Labour leadership, eventually announcing their intentions to stand down at the next General Election whilst then facilitating re-selection procedures for their replacement as future Labour Party Parliamentary Candidates.
Constituency Labour Party activists should have been rubbing shoulders with these MPs for ages. Receiving regular reports back from them about their parliamentary and constituency activities, supplying organisers and activists for their parliamentary campaigns and being an avenue for passing on local problems which needed to be pursued via parliamentary avenues.
With such friends, associates and contacts these rebellious MPs could have discussed their concerns about the operations of the Labour leadership, eventually announcing their intentions to stand down at the next General Election whilst then facilitating re-selection procedures for their replacement as future Labour Party Parliamentary Candidates.
could even have stood down as MPs and created by-elections, deciding
whether they would seek to be candidates and under what labels. If
any forms of Constituency Party comradeship ever operated during
these MPs' years in parliament, surely it should not recently have
just counted for nothing.
served as the Labour MP for North East Derbyshire from 1987 to 2005.
In that time I issued 121 written reports for delegates to its
Constituency Labour Party meetings. These were supplemented by verbal
reports and questions and answers, The mid-term report No 61 was 15
pages long, including copies of relevant press reports and extracts
from Hansard. My verbal report at that meeting centred on a
Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) discussion concerning our overall
strategy arising from a debate in the PLP introduced by Tony Blair
when he was then leader of the opposition.
Blair's eventual Government there were some key moves which I gave my
active backing to, such as the peace process in Northern Ireland and
the introduction of the minimum wage. But there were also many
matters over which I rebelled, including the invasion of Iraq and the
ending of public payments of student's university fees. The academic
Philip Cowley showed that I rebelled against the Labour Whip 72 times
between 1997 and 2003 – there were more to follow in my remaining
two years. Yet Jeremy Corbyn outstripped me substantially, with 151
rebellions in Cowley's six year period.
did, however, keep my Constituency Party fully informed of my voting
practises. Did the recently departed MPs do the same ?

of the main reasons given for the formation of the new Independent
Group of MPs was their support for a fresh referendum on Brexit. The
Labour leadership having since their departure edged closer to the
same position.
is not a stance I favour for the Labour Party, as it is in conflict
with the strongly expressed views of the bulk of our traditional
working class in the referendum. I feel that it would be a massive
error for us to detach ourselves from the very people whose wider
interests we should be working to advance.
have, of course, been dramatic changes over time in the make-up of
the working class. At one time they worked and shared interconnected
life styles in areas such as those dominated by coal mining, cotton
and steel production. Being drawn into related trade union membership
and engaging in collective forms of industrial pressure to further
their well-being. Voting Labour added to their general interests in
delivering the welfare state and other ranges of social provisions –
whilst also pushing for such values when in opposition.
working class employment is often only temporary or subject to
disruptive zero hours contracts. And often poorly paid. The social
networks which formally existed for the working class have been
destroyed in an era of a changing individualistic technology. There
is, for instance, a desperate need for deprived people to be drawn
together in socially progressive avenues such as lifelong learning.
if Labour loses the support of people from such damaged backgrounds,
then these people's desperate needs are in danger of slipping off our
is unfortunate that we ever had a referendum about leaving the EU,
but as the decision to leave had solid working class support Labour
should now honour it. Yet without going for the extreme dangers of a
fully fledged hard Brexit, we need a genuine departure from its
operations. If we could overcome the backstop problem which is
contained in Teresa May's current deal, then this would give us a
genuine EU departure and not a sham one. It is also just about as far
as the EU is likely to go to accommodate our interests. We need a
proper departure and not a sham one, such as still having EU controls
over the operations of our links with them via its own form of
Customs Union.
a Brexit departure eventually involves, Labour needs to develop a
full and positive relationship with the Party of European Socialists
to which it will still maintain full membership.

second reason given by former Labour MPs for joining the Independent
Group of MPs is that we are riven with areas of anti-semitism. But
even if a mass organisation like ours attracts unacceptable people
now and again with extremist views, I don't see anti-semitism as
being a widespread problem.
initially joined the Labour Party back in 1957 due to an initiative
made by the local Labour MP – Manny Shinwell. He had a Jewish
background. I worked very closely with him and with many local Labour
activists until I moved to Hull in 1963. In the Labour Party, I never
once came across any references critical or hurtful about him or his
am now approaching 50 years of activity within the Labour Party in
North East Derbyshire, including serving 18 years as their MP. In
parliament I shared an office with Ken Livingstone for a number of
years and regularly came across Ken and Jeremy Corbyn together,
especially at meetings of the Socialist Campaign Group. Middle East
topics sometimes being on the agendas . But I have never personally
came across anti-Semitic comments anywhere in Labour Party avenues
throughout this full period – nor earlier or since..
was, however, concerned that Jeremy seemed liable to link in too
closely with Hamas and Hezbollah in criticising actions taken by the
Israeli Government against Palestinians. I often, however, shared his
criticism of various Israeli official moves. But I felt that some of
those he associated himself with on such matters often went over the
top. He has, however, moved to detach himself from such approaches
under recent criticisms. His reformed stance on such matters (as on
other items) is something I welcome. I would certainly have done the
same with Blair had he altered his own stance on numbers of issues.
leading claimant about anti-Semitic activity in the Labour Party has
been the now departed MP Luciana Berger, the great niece of Manny
Shinwell. She has recently claimed that six people have been
convicted of threats against her (seemingly involving anti-Semitism)
including two from the left, one of whom was a former member of the
Labour Party. We could do with her providing greater details on such
fact, it is not easy to track down clear cut examples of anti-Semitic
utterances being made by Labour Party members. Even from such a
detailed source as a 42 page item by Wikipedia entitled “Antisemitism
in the UK Labour Party” with it links to 288 references. The more
one delves into claims about anti-semitism in the Labour Party, the
less clear the overall pattern becomes.
will only look at one claim of anti-Semitism that has been levelled
against a former Labour member whom I once knew well – Ken
statement which led to Ken's suspension from Labour Party membership
(and later his resignation) was his claim that Hitler had "supported
Zionism" when first coming to power in Germany "before he
went mad and killed six million Jews". This is a very clumsy
reference to a deal which the Third Reich struck with leaders of the
German Zionist Movement on 7th August, 1933. Hitler engaged in the
deal in order to remove many Jews from Germany. It was a prelude to
events such as resorting to prison camps, Kristallnacht (and the
like) and then to his fully fledged mass extermination programme. The
words used by Ken to described the early start of such developments
clearly needed to be have been adjusted.
For Hitler was "mad" in terms of the depth and nature of his anti-semitism (and on many other matters) well before the above deal was ever agreed to. For instance, Mein Kampf was published in two volumes back in 1925 and 1926 and contained clear anti-Semitic claims and attacks upon Judaism. It claimed that Aryans were the master race.
The 1933 development which Ken expressed briefly and badly is, however, contained in great detail in Edwin Black's book "The Transfer Agreement'. The introduction to the 1984 edition of his book stating that - "On August 7, 1933, leaders of the Zionist movement concluded a controversial pact with the Third Reich which, in various forms, transferred some 60,000 Jews and $100 million...to Jewish Palestine".
Edwin Black is himself Jewish. His grandmother was murdered in Treblinka, having pushed her young daughter (who was later to become Edwin's mother) out of the train that was taking them to the camp. The young man who was to become Edwin's father escaping from a group of Jews who were being led to their execution by Nazis in Poland. Edwin's book is solidly researched and he is certainly in no way anti-Semitic. If Ken had stuck with its approach, he should not have upset the apple cart. Yet the fact that he badly expressed the nature of this significant historical arrangement does not by itself make him anti-Semitic. Nor can I find other evidence to substantiate this claim. But he should have conceded my point.
As the philosopher Wittgenstein pointed out, many of the words we use tend to share a family resemblance rather than just having exact, precise and rigid meanings. The broad meaning of a word is then discovered by examining the range of ways in which it is used. This does not, however, mean that usages of words don't also have rough and ready boundaries. Dictionaries are into the business of attempting to define words for us and, therefore, offer a precision which attempts to get to the heart of their use. My Concise Oxford Dictionary defines an anti-Semite as being "a person hostile to or prejudiced against Jews". Whilst Wittgenstein encourages us to go beyond such exact definitions for its interconnected usages, this does not mean that there is a need to substitute dictionary style and brief definitions for over-elaborate ones which then seek to capture the use of a word. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance stressing its concerns about anti-semitism in its own elaborate statement containing no less than eleven categories, this does not make their statement THE definition of anti-semitism which anyone discussing the issue is obliged to adopt. Someone might wish to add extra items and rewrite others. As long as our approach has a wide ranging anti-racist stance which firmly condemns anti-semitism we are on the right track. People who stress different aspects of anti-semitism can still hold meaningful conversations on the issue, even if they are given to stressing diverse points. And we should always encourage the dialectics of debate – whilst avoiding extreme arguments.
For Hitler was "mad" in terms of the depth and nature of his anti-semitism (and on many other matters) well before the above deal was ever agreed to. For instance, Mein Kampf was published in two volumes back in 1925 and 1926 and contained clear anti-Semitic claims and attacks upon Judaism. It claimed that Aryans were the master race.
The 1933 development which Ken expressed briefly and badly is, however, contained in great detail in Edwin Black's book "The Transfer Agreement'. The introduction to the 1984 edition of his book stating that - "On August 7, 1933, leaders of the Zionist movement concluded a controversial pact with the Third Reich which, in various forms, transferred some 60,000 Jews and $100 million...to Jewish Palestine".
Edwin Black is himself Jewish. His grandmother was murdered in Treblinka, having pushed her young daughter (who was later to become Edwin's mother) out of the train that was taking them to the camp. The young man who was to become Edwin's father escaping from a group of Jews who were being led to their execution by Nazis in Poland. Edwin's book is solidly researched and he is certainly in no way anti-Semitic. If Ken had stuck with its approach, he should not have upset the apple cart. Yet the fact that he badly expressed the nature of this significant historical arrangement does not by itself make him anti-Semitic. Nor can I find other evidence to substantiate this claim. But he should have conceded my point.
As the philosopher Wittgenstein pointed out, many of the words we use tend to share a family resemblance rather than just having exact, precise and rigid meanings. The broad meaning of a word is then discovered by examining the range of ways in which it is used. This does not, however, mean that usages of words don't also have rough and ready boundaries. Dictionaries are into the business of attempting to define words for us and, therefore, offer a precision which attempts to get to the heart of their use. My Concise Oxford Dictionary defines an anti-Semite as being "a person hostile to or prejudiced against Jews". Whilst Wittgenstein encourages us to go beyond such exact definitions for its interconnected usages, this does not mean that there is a need to substitute dictionary style and brief definitions for over-elaborate ones which then seek to capture the use of a word. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance stressing its concerns about anti-semitism in its own elaborate statement containing no less than eleven categories, this does not make their statement THE definition of anti-semitism which anyone discussing the issue is obliged to adopt. Someone might wish to add extra items and rewrite others. As long as our approach has a wide ranging anti-racist stance which firmly condemns anti-semitism we are on the right track. People who stress different aspects of anti-semitism can still hold meaningful conversations on the issue, even if they are given to stressing diverse points. And we should always encourage the dialectics of debate – whilst avoiding extreme arguments.
I do feel that if anti-semitism was a serious issue in today's Labour
Party that I would have come across its depth by now. I am, of
course, more than happy to seek to explore any specific charges and
details about its current operations, having just discovered these
claims made in the Spectator almost a year ago -

Labour needs to tackle the above issues whilst getting on with pressing to overcome massive major problems such as climate change, wide scale impoverishment, social disruption and helping to deal with a mass of international disasters such as the situation in the Yemen. Yet we must also face up to what we can deliver as a hoped for future Government. The power of international capitalism is massive. It holds powers to block and undermine social reforms. Many issues need to be dealt with on an international stage. A tactic of persistent gradualism is needed. So that as soon as any specific reform is undermined, action is taken to tackle such a development.
Added 10 March : This past item indicates my general approach to the leadership of Corbyn. Click here.
Added 15 March : Further turmoil in the Parliamentary Labour Party over the Commons' vote as to whether there should be a second referendum on Brexit. The official line was to abstain. 202 did this or otherwise did not vote. 41 MPs broke the whip. 24 voting in favour of a fresh referendum and 17 against the proposal. As a consequence, five of those who voted against have resigned from their front bench roles in the whips office and elsewhere. If I had still been an MP, I would have been with them. Click here.
Added 23 March : "Labour won't win power if we abandon working class LEAVE voters". Click here.
But so we don't go over the top in doing this and then smash the economy via an extreme Brexit, the best option is probably Teresa's deal. Especially if the Irish Government would help us to bring about the removal of the backstop.
Added 2 April : I hope to return to this matter. On the issue of Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, Prof Alan Johnson has recently published a document giving 134 examples of claimed acts of anti-semitism arising from within the Labour Party. Although some of these refer to people who are also mentioned in earlier examples. Yet one example refers to some 50 cases. These need to be carefully examined to determine their nature, relevance, standing and significance. Click here.
There is also this item which I have just discovered about Ken Livingstone to whom I referred to above on the anti-semitism issue . See.
Then there is this from almost 3 years ago.
Added 12 April : I have just come across this detailed criticism of Ken Livingstone's stance on the relationship which he claimed existed at one time between Hitler and Zionism. It covers wider ground than that which I was aware of. Click here
Added 10 March : This past item indicates my general approach to the leadership of Corbyn. Click here.
Added 15 March : Further turmoil in the Parliamentary Labour Party over the Commons' vote as to whether there should be a second referendum on Brexit. The official line was to abstain. 202 did this or otherwise did not vote. 41 MPs broke the whip. 24 voting in favour of a fresh referendum and 17 against the proposal. As a consequence, five of those who voted against have resigned from their front bench roles in the whips office and elsewhere. If I had still been an MP, I would have been with them. Click here.
Added 23 March : "Labour won't win power if we abandon working class LEAVE voters". Click here.
But so we don't go over the top in doing this and then smash the economy via an extreme Brexit, the best option is probably Teresa's deal. Especially if the Irish Government would help us to bring about the removal of the backstop.
Added 2 April : I hope to return to this matter. On the issue of Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, Prof Alan Johnson has recently published a document giving 134 examples of claimed acts of anti-semitism arising from within the Labour Party. Although some of these refer to people who are also mentioned in earlier examples. Yet one example refers to some 50 cases. These need to be carefully examined to determine their nature, relevance, standing and significance. Click here.
There is also this item which I have just discovered about Ken Livingstone to whom I referred to above on the anti-semitism issue . See.
Then there is this from almost 3 years ago.
Added 12 April : I have just come across this detailed criticism of Ken Livingstone's stance on the relationship which he claimed existed at one time between Hitler and Zionism. It covers wider ground than that which I was aware of. Click here
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