It is good to see that the Labour Party has now caught up with the approach I have been pushing in the 16 items which appear below this one. They have published their own popular and usable version of bullet points and arguments taken from the policy document "National Policy Forum Report 2014", which was adopted at its recent Conference. It will shape their General Election Manifesto and needs to be accessed and used by Labour's rank and file. Hopefully it will find its way into the hands of Constituency Labour Parties, their branches and affiliated bodies; with encouragements for them to push its messages to the electorate. It can be found here. You will then need to click into the PDF Download shown at the bottom of its page.
They have not, of course, done this because I have been peddling it. It is either a matter of great minds think alike or fools seldom differ.
If you are into this, you can now scrawl down from here.